Descriptive transcript: GW Revolutionaries Visual Identity

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The GW Revolutionaries athletics logo appears over a photograph of Washington D.C. national monuments with a navy blue color overlay.

Visual callouts highlight design elements of the GW Revolutionaries athletics logo. These elements include:

  • Washington Monument silhouette replaced the "I"
  • Bold, italicized font reflect movement (moving forward)
  • Three stars pay tribute to the D.C. flag
  • Spurs on the R, L, N and S letters reflect dynamic shapes in the GW Athletics primary logo.

The logo and text fade away.

The top edge of the video is bordered by a pattern of lines and stars in white, buff and blue. Along the bottom edge of the video, the GW REVS shield logo, GW REVS horizontal logo, George Mascot logo, GW REVS stacked logo, and GW Athletics primary logo slide horizontally.

"Revolutionaries" fades in to the left side of the video.

Three stars and "GEORGE WASHINGTON" slide in from the top of the screen, resting above "REVOLUTIONARIES."

"GEORGE WASHINGTON" fades away, then "ATHLETICS" slides in, resting below "REVOLUTIONARIES."

"REVOLUTIONARIES," "ATHLETICS" and the stars fade away, replaced by a scrolling collage of GW Revolutionaries visual identity usage. The collage includes a photograph of a Revolutionaries flag on a lamp post, an aerial view of the GW basketball court featuring logos and silhouettes of Washington D.C. monuments, and a photograph of a person holding a "GW Revs" shopping bag.

On the right side of the screen, photos of students modeling GW Revolutionaries merchandise and uniforms appear. Photos feature a revolutionaries sweatshirt, the GW baseball uniform, the GW lacrosse uniform, the GW volleyball uniform, the GW cheerleading uniform, and the GW softball uniform.

The screen fades to dark blue. The GW Athletics primary logo and "RAISE HIGH" appear.

Video loops back to the beginning.